Modifying Your Home For Retirement

For some, the ideal place to retire could be Mexico or a tropical island. Maybe a fancy golf resort or a clubhouse with tons of amenities. 

Not everyone has this dream, however. There’s a good percentage of retirees who stay close to home and make modifications to their home that will help them as they get older. An AARP survey found that nearly 90 percent of people age 65 or older want to stay in their hometown or in their current home, a trend often referred to as aging in place.


Here are some other benefits of staying in your hometown when you retire.


1.Home is where the heart is. If you’re attached to your hometown, don’t feel the need to pick up and leave just because it’s what a lot of retirees do! Maybe this is where you’ve spent your whole life and where you feel most comfortable. Why leave your favorite restaurants, library, stores, and neighborhood if you love it there? 


2.Friends & Family. Research has shown that having a strong social network is important for successful aging. One of the biggest benefits of staying close to home is being surrounded by the neighbors you love, friends, and family members.


3.Financial Benefits. Today’s low interest rates and solid home values also make it an advantageous time to borrow to cover the cost of home remodeling.



As we begin to age, our homes do too. It’s smart to tackle improvements and repairs before it becomes unsafe to live in in your older years. The house may need to be remodeled to accommodate changing physical needs.

More than half of homeowners who are over 60 say they have no plans to move, according to a survey of 152,939 people who visit Houzz, a home design website.About 20 percent of older homeowners do some kind of major or minor remodeling every year. Here are some of the top home renovations retirees take on in their homes!

Curb Appeal 

Improving the overall appearance of the home is one of the biggest trends in home renovations. Here are 10 curb appeal tips from home experts! 


Upgraded Appliances

If your mobility declines, you may want to have appliances that are easy to use. For example, kitchen and bathroom appliances triggered by motion sensors. Or maybe getting a more comfortable toilet that can sit higher and is much easier to use. 



Prevent Falls

There are six specific changes that are affordable and most retirees make a top priority. Removing rugs and throw rugs, installing bars and grips in the bathroom, sturdy handrails, good lighting, and good path lighting for nighttime. 


Some other modifications include a no-step shower and a sitting space under the bathroom sink for assistance. 


If there are stairs in the home, you may want to make a downstairs bedroom and a stair lift. 


Kitchen Makeovers

A big focus in the kitchen is to lower work areas so preparing meals and using the sink with a wheel chair is much easier.



How Long Do These Remodels Take? 

Depending on what’s being renovated, you should be safe telling yourself the remodeling will take a few months. The most common remodels are kitchen and bathroom. This is what says about how long those will take. 


If you’re looking to buy a more affordable home to do some remodeling, give us a call and we can help you get started right away! We are experts in this area and know exactly how to fit your every need! 480-373-8755

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